Real-Time Streaming

Live and Real-Time are NOT the Same

Written by Jed Corenthal | Jun 14, 2023 5:09:00 PM

Live and real-time are often used interchangeably, but they’re not the same.

The terminology of “live” TV was originally used to distinguish events that were being broadcast as they played out (news, for example).  This was in contrast to pre-recorded shows that are syndicated across major networks.  This vernacular was readily adopted with similar connotations as internet speeds and computing times improved, and it became possible to “live stream” events over the internet as they unfolded.  This was in contrast to events that were pre-recorded and playback was available “on demand.”

Before internet speeds were measured in “mbps,” fretting over a few seconds of transmission delay hardly seemed worthwhile.  But, in the age of social media and instant gratification, those few seconds mean a lot.


Live streaming latency ranges from 5 seconds up to a minute and comes with the possibility of rebuffering events. Real-time is always less than ½ second delay between the time something happens on the field & when it's displayed on a viewer’s device. 

Phenix’s patented SyncWatchTM technology ensures the video is delivered to all devices within 100ms, regardless of location or network conditions, so everyone sees the same content at the same time.


Latency Matters.

Traditional live streams are delivered with 10-90+ seconds of latency.  Phenix delivers real-time streams across the globe with less than ½ second of end-to-end latency.

Only Phenix can deliver synchronous real-time video to broadcast-sized audiences around the globe without making you choose between quality or latency.